At Phoenix Primary School the SENCO is responsible for managing the SEN provision. Diane Mills is our interim SENCO. She can be contacted at school on 0151 228 3831. Please try not to worry if you or your child's teacher believe your child may have Special Educational Needs. There are lots of people in school who can help and we will do all we can to make sure your child receives the support they need. If you have any questions or queries about Special Educational Needs at any point during your child's time at our school, please do not hesitate to contact Diane Mills at the school.
- EP Phoenix Primary School with Enhanced Provision - Local Offer Information.pdf
- SupportingMedicalConditionsFinal.pdf
- enhancedprovisionstatement.pdf
- Send Policy October 23.pdf
- Sendinformationreport23.pdf
- WholeschoolProvision MapAutumn23.pdf
Come and join us for our SEND coffee morning on Wednesday 12th September.
The next SEND coffee morning will be run by Tracey Williamson from the ASD training team on Thursday 12th September at 9am.
This will be a Q&A session aimed at those families who are on the ASD pathway awaiting an assessment or are considering asking for a referral for their child and want to find out more before they do. The session can offer support around making decisions, seeking support and the practicalities of the assessment process. There will also be opportunities to discuss any concerns you have about your child if you are unsure about whether to pursue a referral or not.
Everybody is welcome, we'll look forward to seeing you.
Diane Mills(SENCo)
Education, Care and Health Needs assessment application self-referral form.
Local Authority SEND strategy 2023-2026
Helpful information on common barriers to learning
- attention_concentration_and_organisational_skills.pdf
- developing_bottom_wiping_skills.pdf
- developing_pre_writing_skills.pdf
- developing_handwriting_skills.pdf
- sensory_resource_list_draft.pdf
Concerned about your child's physical development?
You can refer them to the children's occupational health service at Alder Hey by following this link here...